唔知道大家有冇用 Google calendar,有冇發現佢有D主題圖畫幫你美化個日曆呢?究竟點樣會出現呢?其實好簡單,只要打中她預設的英文字作題目就可以了(Setting in English), 中文字會用藍色顯示。我發現有以下的字可以有不同的圖畫:
- archery: archery 射箭
- badminton: badminton 羽毛球
- baseball: baseball 棒球
- basketball: basketball 籃球
- billiard: billiard
- boat cruise: boat cruise
- bowling: bowling
- camping: camping 露營
- cycling: bicycle, cycling, bike, bicycles, bikes, Biking 單車
- dancing: ballet, dance, dancing, dances
- fencing: Fencing
- golf: golf
- gym: gym, workout, workouts, fitness
- hiking: hiking, hike, hikes
- kayaking: kayaking
- pingpong: ping pong, table tennis, ping-pong, pingpong 台球
- running: jog, jogging, running, jogs, runs
- sailing: sail, sailing, boat cruise, sailboat
- skiing: skiing, ski, skis, snowboarding, snowshoeing, snow shoe, snow boarding
- soccer: soccer, football 足球
- swimming: swim, swimming, swims
- tennis: tennis
- volleyball: volleyball 排球
- walk: going for a walk, walking
- yoga: yoga
- bbq: bbq, barbecue, barbeque
- beer: beer, beers, Oktoberfest, October Fest, Octoberfest
- breakfast: breakfast, breakfasts, brunch, brunches
- coffee: coffee, coffees
- cook: cooking
- dinner: dinner, dinners, restaurant, restaurants, Family meal 晚餐
- drinks: cocktail, drinks, cocktails
- lunch: lunch, lunches, luncheon 午餐
- xmasmeal: christmas dinner, christmas lunch, christmas brunch, christmas luncheon, xmas lunch, xmas luncheon, x-mas dinner, x-mas lunch, x-mas brunch, x-mas luncheon, christmas eve dinner, christmas eve lunch, christmas eve brunch, christmas eve luncheon, xmas eve dinner, xmas eve lunch, xmas eve brunch, xmas eve luncheon, x-mas eve dinner, x-mas eve lunch, x-mas eve brunch, x-mas eve luncheon
- chinesenewyear: chinese new year, chinese new years, chinese new year's
- newyear: new year, new year's, new years
- halloween: halloween, helloween, hallowe'en, Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Eve
- santa: Santa Claus, Father Christmas
- thanksgiving: thanksgiving
- xmas: christmas, xmas, x-mas
- xmasparty: christmas party, xmas party, x-mas party, christmas eve party, xmas eve party, x-mas eve party
- concert: concert, gig, concerts, gigs
- violin: violin, violins
- learninstrument: piano, singing, music Class, choir practice, flute, orchestra, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, cornett, trumpet, contrabass, cello, trombone, tuba, music ensemble, string quartett, guitar lesson, classical music, choir
- manicure: manicure, pedicure, manicures, pedicures
- haircut: haircut, hair
- massage: massage, back rub, backrub, massages
- art: painting, art workshop, sketching workshop, drawing workshop 繪畫
- bookclub: book club, reading, newspaper
- cinema: cinema, movies
- drama: theater
- learnlanguage: French Course, German Course, English Course, French Class, German Class, English Class, Practice French, Practice German, Practice English
- reachout: write letter, send invitations
- sleeping: sleeping, relaxing, resting 休息
- clean: cleaning, clean the house, clean the apartment, clean house, tidy up, vacuum clean, vacuum cleaning
- car: oil change, car service (2 different images)
- repair: fridge repair, handyman, electrician, DIY
- planmyday: plan week, plan quarter, plan day, week planning
- code: Computer Science, Programming in Python, Web Programming, Programming in Java, Web Development
- dentist: dentist, dentistry, dental
- Dog Walking: dog walking
- graduation: graduation
- wedding: wedding, wedding eve, wedding-eve party, weddings
後記: 最低B係Google 唔識認番中文!
參考: https://plus.google.com/113120004290851022537/posts/f4RnyhRFYqE
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